安信人力資源有限公司 香港
安信人力資源有限公司Great Union Human Capital Limited
成立于2012年08月26日,公司註冊編號為:1791689,屬於香港(private). 該公司從註冊至今已運營12年 6個月 3周.
- 公司登記信息
- 公司名稱安信人力資源有限公司
- 英文名稱Great Union Human Capital Limited
- 統一編號1791689
- 成立日期2012年08月26日
- 公司類別私人股份有限公司
- 公司現狀仍在登記冊上
- 備註-
- 清盤模式-
- 解散日期-
- 押記登記冊無
- 公司名稱記錄26-08-2012
Great Union Human Capital Limited
安信人力資源有限公司 - 上一條
- 下一條
#1 | (E)FND4 - Notice of Resignation of Company Secretary and Director Doc. Ref. No.: 22000754331 Submission/Filing Date: 11-MAY-2015 |
#2 | (E)FNAR1 - Annual Return Doc. Ref. No.: 22201255389 Submission/Filing Date: 14-SEP-2015 |
#3 | (E)FAR1 - Annual return (with a list of members) Doc. Ref. No.: 22600988935 Submission/Filing Date: 18-SEP-2013 |
#4 | (E)FD2A - Notification of Change of Secretary and Director (Appointment/Cessation) Doc. Ref. No.: 23300715787 Submission/Filing Date:14-SEP-2012 |
#5 | (E) Amended document (2015年度表格NAR1的修訂版 Amended Form NAR1 for 2015) Doc. Ref. No.: 23301073836Submission/Filing Date: 12-OCT-2015 |
#6 | (E)FD2A - Notification of Change of Secretary and Director (Appointment/Cessation) Doc. Ref. No.: 23400895481 Submission/Filing Date:29-NOV-2012 |
#7 | (E)FNAR1 - Annual Return Doc. Ref. No.: 23500996159 Submission/Filing Date: 06-OCT-2014 |
#8 | (E)FND2A - Notice of Change of Company Secretary and Director (Appointment/Cessation) Doc. Ref. No.: 24000132354 Submission/Filing Date: 23-JUN-2015 |
#9 | Certificate of Incorporation Doc. Ref. No.: 40006047599 Submission/Filing Date:26-AUG-2012 |
#10 | (C)FNC1 - Incorporation Form (Company Limited by Shares) Doc. Ref. No.: 70000110958 Submission/Filing Date:26-AUG-2012 |
#11 | (C)Memorandum & Articles of Association Doc. Ref. No.: 70000110959 Submission/Filing Date:26-AUG-2012 |
公司編號 | 公司名稱 | 公司狀態 | |
18922 | 大聯投資股份有限公司 | dissolved | |
59563 | 大洲紙品廠有限公司 | dissolved | |
61235 | 大聯製衣廠有限公司 | dissolved | |
234530 | 宏聯貨運有限公司 | dissolved | |
340476 | 聯輝國際發展有限公司 | dissolved | |
365388 | 安信國際地產有限公司 | Live | |
522886 | 聯大國際投資有限公司 | dissolved | |
581589 | UNION PACIFIC CAPITAL LIMITED | dissolved | |
625800 | 貿新紙業有限公司 | live |